Monday, October 13, 2008

Voila, I'm Martha Stewart

We've had issues with our tub. It's slippery and has no coating on it. It's totally not worth reglazing the tub, it's super old. But in the meantime to keep our daughter from not slipping in the tub we've been trying everything.
1. We tried the stickers you put on the bottom. Those lasted all of 1 shower.
2. We tried a long rubber mat with suction cups on the bottom. But the suction cups didn't really stick so it looked like she was riding a magic carpet as she bathed. Plus the mat stained, no matter washing it in the washing machine (was machine washable), bleaching it, scrubbing it with Comet, it looked brown not white.
3. We bought little suction cup rubber duckies but like #2 the suctions don't stick.
4. I don't remember who suggested this but I tried it this weekend. The kitchen sink liner, those rubber mats you put at the bottom of your sink to prevent glass from breaking. I found one at the $ store so I figured I'd give it a try. It's awesome, it didn't float up! It's still in the same place. I'm going to buy another so we have somewhat full coverage of the tub. And the best part it's only $1. So I can throw it out if it get's grimey. Not like the $13 I spent on the magic carpet mat, or $8 for the rubber duckies or $5 for the bath stickers.
Hooray for a solution! I'll keep you posted in a couple of months if it stains or has any issues.

1 comment:

Cam and Ollie said...

good tip! i used to love those bath stickers...the ones that looked like funky flowers from the Brady Bunch era. :)