Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 up until now

2012 has been a busy one.
As of January 31, I decided to become a stay at home mom.  Well, except for the spin class I teach weekly.  I didn't realize how super busy I'd be staying at home.  I seriously can't imagine doing the things I do plus working full time.
A typical week goes as follows:
Monday: Drop off kindergartner at 9:10 am.  Rush off to Stroller strides class from 9:30 to 10:30 with 2 younger kids in the double BOB stroller.  Play at the park after class from 10:30 to 11:45ish.  Head home for lunch and to get the kids down for an early nap.  Wake kids up at 2pm to pick up kindergartner.  Play on the school playground till 3-3:30.  Come home, start thinking about dinner.  Feed snacks to the kids.  Have kindergartner work on homework.  5:30pm hubby comes home.  6-6:30 eat dinner.  7-8pm, homework, pick up house, baths, etc.  8:30pm bedtime.  9pm-crash on couch to watch shows with hubby.

Tuesday: Drop off kindergartner at 9:10.  Drop off preschooler at 9:40.  Head to the trail to run with baby in the single BOB.  Tuesday is my "relaxing day" I typically only run errands to stores I don't normally have on my weekly list.  Or I clean house/laundry/meet up with friends.  After 2pm my afternoon/evening is similar to Monday except with a preschool pick up anytime after 3:30.

Wednesday: Early day...kindergartner goes to school at 8:20.  I take the two youngsters to the park or to Costco or to a playdate.  Wednesday is a short day so we head back to the school to pick up eldest at 12:25. Then it's back home for lunch and naps for the young ones.  Sometimes I have eldest watch tv or play quietly and I will cat nap.  Afternoon I have to make dinner early because at 5:30pm I'm off to teach spin class.

Thursday: Same as Tuesday, but after I run, go to Costco if I didn't do it Wednesday.  From 1:30 to 2:30pm I volunteer in my daughter's kindergarten classroom.  (Sometimes my mother-in-law babysits the baby, sometimes I bring her with me.)

Friday: Same as Tuesday, sometimes I run, sometimes not.  Definitely hit the grocery store on this day.

The weeks just FLY by!  In fact, I can't believe it's the end of the school year.  Summer seems daunting having the kids home pretty much every day, but I'm sure it'll be fall before I know it.

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