Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dailey Method Classes

Back in September, I got a Juice in the City Deal (similar site to Groupon) for half off two Dailey Method classes. I decided to try it out. The Dailey Method is a combination of ballet barre work and core conditioning.

Day 1 I show up. Get the lowdown on how the class works and get started. We were supposed to grab two sets of weights. They told me to get the 2 lb and 3lb set. I was shocked to think of using such light weights. But 15 min into the class I realized that it was more than enough weight. My arms and shoulders were burning. Then we went to legs/butt...whoooweee that was tough. I have very tight hamstrings always have and the teacher had to modify some of the exercises for me, but I still got an intense workout.

My only issue was after the class, I had some hamstring soreness. I think I may have twinged my hamstring injury from years ago. But other than that it was an amazing workout. I attended the class one more time and had just as great of a workout. I'm trying to see if/how I can incorporate this class into my workouts. This may have to be my "winter training" since come summer I'm usually doing a lot more running.

1 comment:

Topanga said...

I took the Bar Method which seems like it very similar if not the same as the Dailey Method. I took it for 2 months and it was very intense but it does get easier but it is always intense. I could see my body changing but stopped because my thighs started to get to big. But I hear that sometimes they get bigger in the short term and then lean out later.