Sunday, July 18, 2010

Metro Triathlon San Jose

First off, my time. 3:02:50.7. A PR for me by a little over 10 minutes!!
Swim time: 32:54.6
Swim transition: 4:57.9 (Could have improved this, but was talking to hubby and the kids)
Bike time: 1:23:43.6 (17.8 MPH)
Bike transition: 2:42 (including a bathroom stop)
Run time: 58:32.6 (9:26 min/mile)
Came in 5th out of 13 in my age group. :)

Race Summary:
Overall, a great course! I would totally do this race again.
Transition area is not assigned, first come first serve, but plenty of bike racks for everyone.
Small race size, 247 people.
Swim is in a reservoir, kinda murky but the water was warm. It was 2 loops so you do have to exit the water and re-enter.
Bike course is relatively flat and fast. One small hill at mile 6ish and a bigger steeper hill at mile 14-15 with rolling hills the rest of the course back.
Run course is a little rolling but not too bad, somewhat shaded but it's still hot down in San Jose in July.
There were great volunteers along the course. Police manned stoplights so bikers could zoom through intersections.

One woman caught up to me on the bike and said "It was sure hard to catch you on that hill, blue." I was wearing a blue tri outfit. We kept up with each other the rest of the ride and I beat her in the run. But in her defense she was 10 years older than me.

I was able to kick butt even though I had only ONE bike ride outdoors for training (25 mile bike ride 2 weeks ago). Other than that it was just my weekly hour long spin class that I teach that helped my biking.

I also only swam once a week for about 9 weeks.

My Garmin 205 died this morning before my race. Wouldn't hold a charge. :( Guess I'll be ordering a new one!

I really thought I could beat the 3 hour timepoint, but for the first 4 miles of the run I had stomach cramps. I think I didn't time my sports beans well on my bike and they were bothering me. That with the heat made me not able to run 3 minutes faster. Gives me a new goal though.

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