Thursday, October 8, 2009

13 miles for my 13 week old (and almost 3 year old)

Sunday was the race. I wore a sign on the back of my shirt that said exactly the title of this post. I ran with my husband and running partner/friend. It was a beautiful day, perfect weather, entertaining and good company. I had run a 10 miler the weekend before and my pace was decent, a little slower than my PR but was totally ready.
We kept a pretty steady pace and finished in 2:23:36, under 2.5 hours which was my goal. I'm happy with the finish especially since we went a little faster than my training pace.
Unfortunately the race had two deaths, one I believe we saw at mile 12, a woman down and they were doing CPR. The other death my mom and friend saw, the man collapsed in front of them right near the end. The paramedics asked my friend to move my daughter so she wouldn't see what was happening. It's so sad. I can't imagine how their families feel. Of course this happening gives my mother fuel to her fire of not wanting me to work out.
Anyways, onto happier running partner and I have to come up with a race we want to train for so we can try for an under 2 hour PR.

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