Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another 5k, 30.5 weeks pregnant

I ran another 5k this last weekend. It was one I signed up for back in early December when I had *just* found out I was pregnant. My friends were signing up for the half marathon and because I didn't want them to find out just yet that I was pregnant I said I signed up for the race too. Note that I said race, not half marathon. In talking about this race, a coworker of mine decided this would be her first half marathon she'd run. I also wasn't announcing my pregnancy at work so I just forewarned her about training schedules and what not to make sure she could fully commit to running it. Fast forward 5 months later and it was race day.
The weather predicted pouring rains, in June?! But luckily it turned out to be a cloudy, muggy morning but dry! (Nice compared to the torrential downpour the day before.) My coworker was ready for her half and my 2 other friends decided to run the 5k with me even with my warningly low pace.
The race was a little disorganized and I wished they had water at the start because I was thirsty! The half started first at 8am and I was able to see my coworker off. Thirty minutes later was the 5k. I guess because of the high number of 5kers they did staggered starts. We were in the third "wave". The race was nice, fairly flat, views of the bay not so bad. The race was longer than 5k according to my GPS. 0.14 miles longer in fact. But I finished fine, ran the whole way with no pain.
The end was another pain in the ass. No signs on any of the tents and lines were long to pick up the swag. So after waiting in the wrong line for 15 minutes we got into another line for the stuff we wanted. Seriously, how hard is it to write a sign?! Once everything was picked up, we watched more of the race, especially to see my coworker cross the finish line (with great time) and called it a day.
Overall, great time! Hopefully over time the race organizers will become more organized but I think this is only the 2nd year. Oh and results are totally confusing. And I believe inaccurate. There were two times listed. Not chip time and gun time, but Net time and Official time. Their description of what those meant.
Net Time is the time a person actually crossed the start line minus their finish.

Official Time is based on USATF rules. Official time is the gun time minus the finish time. This would be your official time for qualifying for a USATF race.

I feel net time is more accurate to what your race time is. I mean if it took you 2 minutes from gun time to pass the start it doesn't make sense to add that to your race time.

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