Monday, April 19, 2010

Mermaid 1/2 Marathon Post-Race Summary

I PR'd!!!! That's the most important thing about the race. ;) Final time: 2:07:05. Garmin mileage 13.19 miles.

Ok, race review. As you may have read from the previous post, I signed up for this race 4 days prior on Tuesday. It was still open and I had found a discount coupon for $11 off. So in total I paid ~$50 to run the race. The family and I headed down to Sports Basement Friday before the race to pick up my bib and spend $$. Sports Basement offered 20% off all purchases when shopping that night if in race.

The swag was awesome! Check it out! We got a cool shopping bag that is heavy duty. Could be used as a purse or regular bag. 3 colors to chose from, daughter picked blue for me. We got a necklace and a ladies fitted shirt. So cute!!
The race was pretty well run, it started at Shoreline park in Mountain View. Plenty of parking, porta potties and very clearly indicated start/finish line. The event was chip timed. Start was supposed to be at 8am, but didn't actually start until 8:18am. This was nice because hubby was taking daughter to dance class in the am and was able to make it to see me end.
I met up with a friend to run the race. Me feeling pretty good took off at 1/2 mile in and just cruised. I did wear an ipod since I was alone and like having music in the background. I was doing pretty good and turned around at the halfway point just over an hour in. Then I started to loose steam. I was thirsty and getting tired. I did push myself even though at 11 miles I was pretty tired. I kept looking at my watch and saw that I was on track for a PR so I kept pushing.
When I rounded the corner to the end, I gave it my all and finished. I had to sit down afterwards and drink water and recoup for a min or so, I was beat. I needed food and water. My friend finished shortly after I did and we headed to the food. It was a good spread. Pretzels, bananas, chocolate, grapes and pancakes. Yum! Very well set up.
All in all, I would totally do this race again. I had a lot of factors that could have prevented me from PRing. 1) Baby boy was teething the night before and was up screaming several times. (I was up with him at midnight and 3am. 2) Daughter slept in bed with me waking me up at 6am complaining about snails in the bed. 3) Dog woke me up at 5:30 am wanting out. 4) I started my period the night before and was having cramping. 5) I had just run a half marathon the weekend before.
BUT despite all that...I finished and I did better than I've done before. :) It was a good day.
And to finish my day...I went to a photography class I had signed up for a while back and planted a garden. So it's to be expected that I'm this sore today right?!

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