Thursday, January 29, 2009

Running while Pregnant

This pregnancy I'm so glad I wasn't plagued with the bladder issue while running. In a nutshell, I couldn't run more than a quarter of a mile before having the dire need to use the restroom and this was during the first tri when baby is only a grape and not yet kicking bladder. I have since found out that it's common and many pregnant runners plan their runs with several bathrooms along the way.

This 2nd pregnancy I have been free and clear and running a few days a week. I've only been going almost 3 miles at a time. I have a 30 min limit to my running since I've been squeezing in my runs during my lunch at work. But I've been feeling good. There were a couple of days where I felt round ligament pain after running so last weekend I invested in the Gabriella maternity band. I have yet to try it but it was recommended on Baby Steps blog. I was hoping today to try it out but I'm so worn out and I believe I'm coming down with a cold. Hopefully by this weekend I can squeeze in a run and give a review.
As for now, 13.75 miles down, 286.25 miles to go. (300 mile goal for 2009)

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