Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Year in Review

This year was chaotic.
January-March was pretty normal. Feb we did a trip to Tahoe.
March started interviewing contractors to add on to our house. Found out baby #3 is a girl.
April-Girl's weekend away to Napa. Submitted paperwork to the city for permits.
May- Ran a 5k at 28.5 weeks pregnant
June-Ran a 5k at 30.5 weeks pregnant and our house addition starts (end of the month)
July- E's 2nd birthday and his choking incident. Start maternity leave.
August- Baby Girl named A is born the day before my birthday. :) Also the wall between our kitchen and new addition is torn down a few days after we come home from the hospital. Talk about a mess in our crowded house! And M starts kindergarten!
September- E's back in the ER for stitches on his forehead. (Accident prone?)
October- By the end of the month the addition is done. We get to move in.
November- M turns 5 years old. Our house is finally complete. (Old bathroom and bedroom remodeled.) We host Thanksgiving this year in our bigger home.
December-Hubby's birthday and Christmas. As well as every weekend M has birthday parties to attend.

We survived through so much this year. It was rough at times. Especially during the remodel. The house was a disaster, dusty, crowded, loud etc and all the while with a newborn. Kindergarten was a transition for the whole family. We have now adjusted to being a family of 5, we have space in our house and we've established a good routine that works for us. I'm finally able to relax in the evenings though sometimes that means crashing early.

Though I wasn't able to reach my goals for 2011, I'm sure I'll more than make up for them in 2012. ;)

Running talley: 217.42 miles. Very short of my 300 mile goal.

Book talley: 37 books out of my 50 book goal.

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