Thursday, March 24, 2011

Announcement, Announcement

I've sort of been a little MIA from the blog but that's because life got a whole lot more hectic. I'm proud to announce I'm expecting Baby #3. I'm 20 weeks along, due August 10th and know I'm having a girl. So needless to say that means there are a lot of changes going on in my life. For example we're adding another bedroom as well as some more square footage to our house. Can't squeeze any more bodies in our 2 bedroom home. My body seems to be more worn out carrying girls (meaning my 1st child and this one), I sleep a ton more when pregnant with girls so my motivation has been lacking recently. Hopefully I'll get some energy back soon, but in the meantime, I'm back to blogging about running pregnant.

1 comment:

Viva said...

Life of Tri takes on a new meaning. :) Congrats again!