Sunday, August 2, 2009

Running with a single stroller is so much easier than a double

Today I decided to do my "long" run which was only 3 miles. But it was a little easier since I took older child in the single jog stroller which saved me some weight to push. As my runs get longer I hope to free myself of the stroller but we'll see, it's hard to manage two kiddos and breast feeding as well as working out. Hopefully it gets easier.
Last week I was able to do two mid-week runs up to 2 miles each and then my 3-miler this weekend so I'm slowly building up. I have 9 weeks till the big race day. I read the greatest quote in this month's Runner's World last night which basically fits me to a T right now. The article was about running with little rest.
"Set Realistic Goals: If you have a newborn, it may not be the time to go for an ambitious PR. Scale back your expectations so they reflect your current circumstances. Remember, he'll grow up eventually."

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